Centre/Main stand end bung
Side stand return rubber, most twinshock, mono
Associated BMW No. 46521236522
Stand spring, (long reach) stainless steel
Pre '81 models (Main stand)
R80 G/s and ST (Side stand)
Associated BMW No. 46521234514
Stand spring
1981 and pre '81 R45/65 (Main stand)
All paralever except R100R mystic (Side stand)
Associated BMW No. 46521236282
Main stand bolts & spacers, set
'81 on & R45/65
Associated BMW No. 46522302046
Main stand bolts & spacers set
Pre '81
Associated BMW No. 46521233087
Main stand bump stop on frame
Pre '81 models
Associated BMW No. 46521231815
Rubber bump stop
R45/60/65/75/80/100 main stand return bump stop, all after 1981 (where fitted)
K1200, side stand bump rubber
Associated BMW No. 52531236128