"Classic" pannier, strip lock key, S150
Please note the code on the key, we only stock DGBM, not DBGM (the GB are reversed)
Associated BMW No. 46541237764
Touring pannier key, motocase ,please state key number, while stocks last (key number on side of lock when open i.e. 046)
Limited stock remaining - not all key codes can be provided now
(Numbers in stock - 042, 046, 051, 052, 053, 055, 060, 066, 069.)
Associated BMW No. 46542300006
"Classic" pannier, strip lock with press button RHS front, LHS rear
Associated BMW No. 46549058175
"Classic" pannier, strip lock with press button LHS front, RHS rear
Associated BMW No. 46549058175
Top box lock and key
For 22ltr original box
For K type 22ltr box
Associated BMW No. 51252303682
Barrel lock set with keys, 6 pieces (for "Touring" and latest K type)
Associated BMW No. 51252303683
Pannier to frame lock, for barrel lock
Fits R monoshock with "Z"frame
K series
Associated BMW No. 46542303652
Barrel lock with key, each, (as 020683 but single item)
Not K1200
Associated BMW No. 51252303680