Return rubber on stand
R1100S, R1150GS
Associated BMW No.46522335616
Rubber bump stop - various applications
Side stand bump stop, R1200RT
Seat base rubber, K1200RS
Seat bump stop, R1200RT/S
Mainstand bump stop, HP2 Megamoto and Enduro
Rear seat rubber, R1150GS Adventure only
Vario pannier bump stop, R1200GS, F650GS (twin only), F700/800GS
Associated BMW No. 52537664664
Mainstand spring, 10mm
R1200GS, R, ST and RT
F800S/ST/GT/R, one per stand
Associated BMW No.46527664706
Mainstand spring, 18mm
F800S/ST/GGT/R, one per stand
R1200GS, R, ST and RT, one per stand
Associated BMW No.46537666528